“The time to prepare the roof is when the sun is shining.”
John F. Kennedy
At One Vision the year has started very well, and the children are doing well. We are hopeful for the rest of the month.
However, there could be a big problem in the next month but starting the 15th of this month, especially after the day of February 7th. For some Haitian, that day is supposed to be the last day of our president on the head of the Haitian government. The problem is, the departure of the president might never happen because no one knows if he will leave or not. Different demonstrations have been scheduled for the 15th of this month, and different group of people will be on the streets to protest against the government. We already know what happens when the country is going through this kind of issue: people won’t be able to go to work; it will be difficult, even impossible for the students to join school. There will be fire and smoke on the streets, and it will be dangerous for everyone to go out.
Therefore, due to this possible disturbance in the country, we have decided to plan everything and have them ready beforehand. As the leader of the organization, we have to anticipate the lack of food and other items for our children and money to pay our employees.
We request your prayer for the country, we hope God won’t let this happen. We also request your financial help. If the country is blocked, no one will be able to go to the bank. We don’t want any of our employees take risks to go out for this purpose. We need money for two months (January and February): we would like to buy enough food for the children for two months. Our employees also need to provide food for their family before this possible disturbance in the country starting on the 15th this month.
We know the time is quick and short, and it’s too much. We also know how much you care about our children and that strengthens our belief in you. May God continue to bless you!
Please, always remember us in your prayer, especially our children. They need the protection of God.
Your prayers mean a lot to us.
THANK YOU so much for your consistent prayer.
THANK YOU in advance for your help.