A letter to Sponsors:
On behalf of Katelyn’s fund, we want to thank you for being so generous
and sponsoring our organization: “One Vision Haiti”. Our dream to raise the
unguarded kids in Haiti we could not do it without your consistent help and prayers.
No words could possibly express how grateful we are to you. Since we have
started to receive kids to the orphanage, you have been with us to donate funds for raising the children. We thank you for having helped us deal with the septic tank’s problem. With your donation, we are able to drain the septic tanks and make everything clean. We sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High for leading you to us. Raising the kids has been a big challenge, but with you it became possible.
Thank you beloved churches and partners. We are grateful for everything
you have done for One Vision Haiti. God is good, and his love endures forever.
With many thanks and prayers,
Francisco Noel, One Vision Haiti.