May Update: One Vision’s Gratitude to God.

May Update - One Vision Haiti

“The Lord is faithful, who will establish you, and guard you from the evil one.”

–2 Thessalonians 3:3

We are grateful for everything God has done for us. He always protects us.

Update on One Vision and COVID-19

Despite the damage caused by the Coronavirus throughout the world, we are still safe and alive. Here at One Vision, we bless the Lord for having given us the strength to continue with our mission. Being aware of the Coronavirus’ seriousness, we can’t stop working on behalf of the children. 

At the beginning of the lockdown, every employee went back home, and the kids did the housework by themselves. 

Everything went well, until the kids started complaining about doing the housework. Therefore, we called the foster mothers to come back to work, but the other employees are still home.

The children require more prayers. They need our motivation, so that they can feel as strong as they used to be. Please, keep praying for us. We thank you for everything. 

As he said in Psalm 146:5, “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is Yahweh, his God.”

We trust you for we know that you are great, that our Lord is above all gods. We believe that God is the only one who can save us from this pandemic. He will never forget those who are faithful to him. He promised us his consistent presence, and he will keep his promise. We just have to worship him and obey him. 

By being grateful to God, we show our kids how to be grateful to everyone who has done something for them. We should be their inspiration. Remember, the kids are the future generation.

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